The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.
- The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution -
Legislative Issues
Vermont-Style Constitutional Carry Laws
We actively support and lobby for Vermont-style Constitutional Carry laws. Vermont is birthplace to one of the freest gun laws in the nation. It also has one of the lowest crime rates.
Their law simply says that every citizen has the right to carry a gun except to commit a crime. With no government bureaucracy, Vermont citizens can defends themselves, and those who commit crimes with guns anyway are punished more harshly than they otherwise would be.
More than 23 states have now passed such laws and support is growing for a federal law.
Obstructive Government Licensing
There is a push from gun-grabbers these days to formulate increasingly complicated and inhibiting licensing systems.
These systems often include background checks, fingerprinting, high fees, and other hurdles that criminals will not submit to.
These laws do nothing to stem crime, and only mar the law-abiding citizen’s capability to defend himself against it. We actively oppose and lobby against such legislation.
Punitive Taxes
We actively oppose and lobby against any legislation that imposes punitive taxes on the lawful ownership, purchase, or use of firearms or ammunition.
This is a purposefully discouraging effort on the part of gun-grabbing politicians to keep weapons out of the hands of law-abiding citizens, once again leaving the path open for criminals.
Frivolous Lawsuits
Manufacturers of any product are held liable if their product is defective and causes injury.
Yet some politicians want to hold gun manufacturers and retailers liable when a properly working firearm is used by a third party to commit a crime or cause an accident truly beyond the seller's knowledge and control.
We believe that lawful gun manufacturers have no liability for the malice or mistakes of others, and actively oppose any legislation that says otherwise.
Intrusive Registration
Originally, New York City only registered rifles and shotguns. Shortly thereafter, the information in the registry was used to locate and confiscate the weapons.
Because of this slippery slope, we actively oppose and lobby against all registration efforts that would require private, law-abiding citizens to make themselves known, while criminals stay in the shadows.
These laws are just another example of legislative ideas that do nothing to impede crime, and everything to harm the upright citizen.
Bureaucratic Waiting Periods
According to Justice Department Data, 93% of criminals who commit crimes with guns obtain their weapons through ways that are not subject to waiting period, like illegal gun trafficking.
Because waiting periods place a burden only on the good citizen who would impede crime through his or her ownership of a gun, we actively oppose and lobby against waiting periods.